Created in December 2022, Planexus is a spin-off of IETR, a CNRS-affiliated public research laboratory.

We are located in Rennes, France, just 1h30 from Paris by TGV train.

France Cut


Our ambition is to design and propose a new generation of antenna systems for mobile SATCOM terminals on the move (SOTM), at K/Ka band, for LEO, MEO and GEO orbit satellites.


Our technologies are as innovative as they are disruptive.
This allows us to develop SATCOM antenna solutions that are more compact, lighter, particularly efficient and at a lower cost.


Planexus is also offering high-performance antenna design and consulting services for companies.
We help you to integrate off-the-shelf Planexus’s antennas or we can design a full custom antenna for your device.
Our highly skilled experts are here to help you.


Khalid Sayegri. Planexus Founder. CEO. Expert in RF Signal processing


Expert in RF Signal processing

PhD of Engineering in digital signal processing.
In 1992, he created the company ST2E in the field of digital radio communications for military applications.

In 2002, Khalid started a second company ADVANTEN in the field of specific digital radio solutions for hostile environments.

Within his companies, Khalid intervened in a transversal way on all aspects: General management, HR, Technical, Industrial, commercial, banking and finance, academic partnerships, setting up and running French and EU collaborative projects.

Khalid joins the Planexus project by bringing all his experiences as a startup creator and developer.

Mauro Ettorre. Planexus Founder. Technical Advisor. Expert in multibeam SATCOM antennas

Dr. Mauro Ettorre Technical Advisor

Expert in multibeam SATCOM antennas

Mauro Ettorre received a master degree and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Siena in 2008. From 2010 till 2023 he was a senior CNRS researcher within IETR Laboratory. He is currently a full professor at Michigan State University, USA. While at IETR he was responsible of the multi-beam antenna activity withing the common laboratory between IETR and Thales Alenia Space. He is a worldwide expert in antennas at millimeter waves for space applications. He is IEEE Fellow for his contributions to large antenna arrays based on quasi-optical beam formers. He is a technical advisor for Planexus on Satcom antennas.

Pr. Ronan Sauleau. Planexus Founder. Scientific Advisor. Expert in planar antenna arrays in millimeter band.

Pr. Ronan Sauleau Scientific Advisor

Expert in planar antenna arrays in millimeter band

Ronan received the aggregation of electrical engineering in 1996, then the doctorate from the french University of Rennes in 1999. He is currently an exceptional class professor at the University of Rennes. His research focuses on antennas and planar antenna arrays in millimeter band (from the Ka band), associated beamformers. His research work has resulted in the filing of 26 patents. He received the french CNRS bronze medal in 2008, the CNRS silver medal in 2020, and the Antenna EurAAP Award in 2021. He is IEEE Fellow.

Dr. Giovanni Altamura. Planexus Founder. Innovation Financing. Collaborative R&D and financing advisor.

Dr. Giovanni Altamura Innovation Financing

Collaborative R&D and financing advisor

Giovanni is a graduate in 2010 of the École Polytechnique de Lausanne, PhD in nanophysics from the University of Grenoble in 2014, and MBA graduate in 2020 of the London School of Economics.
From 2011 to 2016, he worked as an R&D engineer in the private sector (CEA, EDF) as well as in public laboratories (Max Planck Institute, University College London). Since 2016, he has been working at CNRS as IP technology transfer manager. Currently, Giovanni serves as head of investment at SATT Pulsalys.

Our Partners

Planexus Partner. BPI France Logo Planexus Partner. Esa logo Planexus Partner. Emergys Bretagne Logo Planexus Partner. Cnes Logo Planexus Partner. Cnrs Logo Planexus Partner. Thales Logo Planexus Partner. IETR logo Planexus Partner. Ouest Valorisation Logo Planexus Partner. Le Poool Logo