Our antenna architecture is at the heart of the innovation. The technology used is based on an array of non-resonant slots. Beam antenna scanning is carried out either mechanically in elevation and azimuth, or a hybrid way (i.e. mechanical and electronical).
Our concept, based on one and only one radiating aperture for both Tx and Rx links, is achieved without degrading performance, unlike solutions on the market which use two separate antennas for Tx & Rx.
In addition to the competitive advantages that our solution provides in terms of cost, weight and size, it brings a real technological breakthrough and a decisive differentiator.

The technology behind our product is protected by 4 assets
(3 patents and 1 software) :
Multilayer waveguide comprising at least one transition device between layers of this multilayer waveguide
We leverage this patent for the feasibility of the structure design using our in-house tool (Asset 4) for planar low-cost technologies.
The patent is focused on PCB technology and mature manufacturing procedures that do not require electrical contact between the different layers of the stack.
This allows to build ultra high-density low-profile PCB antenna panels.
Bimodal waveguide with structured parallel planes
This patent allows designing dual-polarized CTS antennas by a suitable design of the CTS walls, defined through the software of Asset 4.
In detail, a multi-mode operation is mastered to provide the polarization diversity required for Satcom links.
Wideband corporate feeding system for long slot arrays
With the aim of offering an K/Ka bands antenna that simultaneously covers uplink and downlink Satcom signals, this patented technology enables us to achieve larger bandwidths (19.2-31GHz).
In addition, this technology reduces the PCB stack-up complexity.
In house analysis tool for Continuous Transverse Stub (CTS) arrays and their feeding network based on ultra low-profile quasi-optical systems
This asset is related to the optimization of the antenna design.
It allows to provide the final design with all the information required in terms of performance.